Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

By Staff Reporter

Most of renewable energy projects in the country are being implemented by the private sector developers selected through transparent bidding process. Government has issued standard bidding guidelines to enable the distribution licensees to procure power at competitive rates in cost effective manner. In order to be competitive, developers are encouraged to deploy most advanced technologies in these projects to tap maximum energy.

The state-wise and source-wise details of the projects implemented in various part of the country during last three years and current year are given in the Annexure-I.

The year-wise details of funds allocated and released in the form of central financial assistance for the implementation of various renewable energy programmes / schemes during last three years are given in Annexure-II.

Studies conducted by National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) with foreign assistance during last three years and current year are given in Annexure-III.

The steps taken by the Government to incentivize renewable energy sector in the country inter alia, include the following: –

  • Announcement of a target of installing 175 GW of renewable energy capacity by the year, 2022; Permitting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) up to 100 percent under the automatic route.
  • Waiver of Inter State Transmission System (ISTS) charges and losses for inter-state sale of solar and wind power for projects to be commissioned up to December, 2022.
  • Notification of standard bidding guidelines to enable distribution licensee to procure solar and wind power at competitive rates in cost effective manner.
  • Declaration of trajectory for Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) up to the year 2022.
  • Implementation of Green Energy Corridor project to facilitate grid integration of large scale renewable energy capacity addition.
  • Launching of New Schemes, such as, PM-KUSUM, solar rooftop phase II, 12000 MW CPSU scheme Phase II.


This information was provided by Minister of State (IC) New & Renewable Energy, Power and Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Shri R.K. Singh, in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha on 5th December 2019.



Renewable Energy Projects’

Source-wise and State-wise achievements made during the last three years and current year               

(April 2016 to Oct 2019)                                         (in MW)

S.No. State/UT Solar Power Wind








Waste to Energy Total
1 Andhra Pradesh 2743.86 2661.05 20 0 0 5424.91
2 Arunachal Pradesh 5.35 0 26.5 0 0 31.85
3 Assam 41.23 0 0 0 0 41.23
4 Bihar 144.25 0 0 9 0 153.25
5 Chhattisgarh 137.77 0 24 0 0 161.77
6 Goa 4.78 0 0 0 0 4.78
7 Gujarat 1558.65 3255.15 45.752 12 0 4871.552
8 Haryana 220.13 0 0 26.2 0 246.33
9 Himachal Pradesh 29.43 0 112.7 0 0 142.13
10 Jammu & Kashmir 18.13 0 23.5 0 0 41.63
11 Jharkhand 22.2 0 0 0 0 22.2
12 Karnataka 6350.9 1884.3 39 409.6 0 8683.8
13 Kerala 128.06 19 23.1 0 0 170.16
14 Madhya Pradesh 1339.71 378.8 9.75 0 11.5 1739.76
15 Maharashtra 1266.32 140.35 39.7 532.7 0 1979.07
16 Manipur 4.3 0 0 0 0 4.3
17 Meghalaya 0.12 0 1.5 0 0 1.62
18 Mizoram 1.32 0 5 0 0 6.32
19 Nagaland 1 0 0 0 0 1
20 Orissa 330.36 0 0 0 0 330.36
21 Punjab 534.52 0 2.65 21 1.5 559.67
22 Rajasthan 3466.35 305.7 0 4.95 0 3777
23 Sikkim 0.07 0 0 0 0 0.07
24 Tamil Nadu 2033.06 1617.875 0 95.5 0 3746.435
25 Telangana 3092.9 50.4 0 0 0 3143.3
26 Tripura 4.41 0 0 0 0 4.41
27 Uttar Pradesh 901.06 0 0 24.5 0 925.56
28 Uttarakhand 272.05 0 0 0 0 272.05
29 West Bengal 100.6 0 0 0 0 100.6
30 Andaman & Nicobar 7.09 0 0 0 0 7.09
31 Chandigarh 30.19 0 0 0 0 30.19
32 Dadar & Nagar Haveli 5.46 0 0 0 0 5.46
33 Daman & Diu 12.02 0 0 0 0 12.02
34 Delhi 122.63 0 0 0 36 158.63
35 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 Pondicherry 3.17 0 0 0 0 3.17
37 Others 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Total 24933.45 10312.63 373.15 1135.45 49 36803.68



Renewable Energy Projects’

Details of funds allocated and released in the form of Central Financial Assistance for the implementation of various renewable energy programmes / schemes during last three years


  Year 2016-17
  (` in crores)


Detail of Minor Head Head of Account BE RE NER RE  +NER Total


Plan Non-


Plan Non-


  Plan Non-


1 101-Grid

Interactive and


Renewable Power

01-Grid Interactive Renewable Power                
    Wind Power 365.00 . 488.95     488.95   488.95
    Hydro Power-OAE 0.50   0.50     0.50   0.50
    Hydro power-GIA 4.40   4.40     4.40   4.40
    Hydro power-subsidy 80.00   80.00   26.67 106.67      107.01
    Hydro power-GCCA 0.10   0.10     0.10   0.10
    Bio Power 30.00   17.00     17.00   16.29
    Solar Power 90.00   35.00     35.00   22.15
    Solar Power-GCCA 2048.00   1969.50   15.52 1985.02   1970.17
    Green Energy Corridors 0.00   0.00     0.00   0.00
    Green Energy-GCCA 500.00   200.00     200.00   200.00
    Advertising and publicity 4.00   13.10     13.10   11.38
    GIA 1.00   2.00     2.00   1.32
    DREA-GIA 2.00   2.00     2.00   1.96
    Energy Storage-OAE 0.10   0.10     0.10   0.00
    Energy Storage- GIA 2.90   0.00   0.00 0.00   0.00
    Energy Storage-GCCA 13.00   0.00     0.00   0.00
    Externally Aided Projects-


1.15   1.15     1.15   0.00
    professional Services 0.50   0.50     0.50   0.00
    Externally Aided Projects-GIA 37.30   37.30     37.30   0.00
    Other Charges 0.05   0.05     0.05   0.00
      3180.00 0.00 2851.65 0.00 42.19 2893.84 0.00 2824.23
    02-Off-Grid/Distributed and

Decentralized Renewable Power  

    Wind Power-GIA 0.10   0.10     0.10   0.00
    Wind Power-Subsidy 5.00   4.00     4.00   2.38
    Wind Power-GCCA 0.10   0.10     0.10   0.00
    Hydro Power-GIA 9.00   9.00     9.00   8.99
    Hydro power-GCCA 1.00   1.00     1.00   1.00
    Bio Power-GIA 0.50   0.50     0.50   0.36
    Bio Power-GCCA 29.50   25.50     25.50   14.32
    Solar Power-OAE 1.00   1.00     1.00   0.14
    professional Services 1.00   1.00     1.00   1.01
    Solar power-GIA 9.00   9.00     9.00   8.37
    Solar power-Subs 15.00   10.00     10.00   8.79
    Solar Power-GCCA 267.00   267.00   112.78 379.78   367.03
    RVE-GIA 1.00   1.00     1.00   1.00
    RVE-GCCA 6.00   6.00     6.00   9.18
    Biogas Programme-OAE 0.50   0.50     0.50   0.08
    Professional Services 0.50   0.50     0.50   0.09
    Biogas Programme-GIA 11.75   16.75   0.00 16.75   15.98
    Biogas Programme-GCCA 42.25   47.25   6.03 53.28   48.37
    Other Including cookstoves-


6.00   6.00     6.00   0.00
    Subsidy 2.00   1.50     1.50   0.55
    OREA-GIA 0.10   0.00     0.00   0.00


    OREA-OAE 14.70   4.80     4.80   4.25
    Externally Aided Projects-


0.85   0.85     0.85   0.85
    Professional Services 2.00   2.00     2.00   1.95
    GIA 3.00   3.00     3.00   3.00
    Other Charges 0.15   0.15     0.15   0.15
    Energy Storage -GIA 2.00   0.00     0.00   0.00
      431.00 0.00 418.50 0.00 118.81 537.31 0.00 497.84
  Total-Grid Interactive and Distributed Renewable Power 3611.00 0.00 3270.15 0.00 161.00 3431.15 0.00 3322.07
2   North Eastern Areas (Major Head)                
    Hydro Power – Subsidy 27.00   27.00   -26.67 0.33   0.00
    Solar Power-GCCA 212.00   212.00   -15.52 196.48   0.00
      239.00 0.00 239.00 0.00 -42.19 196.81 0.00 0.00
    Solar Power – GCCA 200.00   134.20  


21.42   0.00
    Wind Power -GIA 0.30   0.30     0.30   0.00
    Wind Power-GCCA 1.50   1.50     1.50   0.00
    Remote Village


1.00   1.00     1.00   0.00
    RVE -GCCA 19.00   19.00     19.00   0.00
    Biogas Programme-GIA 1.00   1.00   -0.28 0.72   0.00
    Biogas Programme -GCCA 26.00   14.00   -8.55 5.45   0.00
    Other including cook stoves-


3.00   3.00     3.00   0.00
    OtherRenewable Energy Application-GIA 5.20   0.00     0.00   0.00
      257.00 0.00 174.00 0.00


52.39 0.00 0.00
      496.00 0.00 413.00 0.00


249.20 0.00 0.00
3   GIA to State Government (Major Head)                
    Biogas Programme – GIA 5.00   0.00     0.00   0.00
    Biogas Programme-GCCA 35.00   0.00     0.00   0.00
    Biogas Programme – GIA 1.50   0.00     0.00   0.00
    Biogas Programme – GCCA 3.50   0.00     0.00   0.00
      45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 104-

Research, Design and

Development in


04-Research development and international corporation (Sub-Head)                
    Bio-Energy-OAE 0.20   0.20     0.20   0.00
    Bio Energy- GIA 2.30   2.30     2.30   1.60
    Bio Energy- GCCA 5.50   4.50     4.50   2.66
    Solar Energy-GIA 54.00   35.00     35.00   27.25
    Solar Energy-GCCA 36.00   25.00     25.00   22.21
    Small Hydro Power-GIA 2.00   2.00     2.00   1.70
    Small Hydro Power-GCCA 1.00   1.00     1.00   1.00
    New Technologies-OAE 0.10   0.10     0.10   0.04
    GIA 10.00   2.90     2.90   1.83
    New Technologies-GIA 0.00   0.00     0.00   0.00
    New Technologies GCCA 9.90   12.25     12.25   1.76
    Wind Energy-GIA 1.20   0.70     0.70   0.23
    Wind Energy-GCCA 1.80   1.30     1.30   0.53
    International Relations-OAE 1.00   1.00     1.00   0.01
    International Relations-GIA 219.00   129.00     129.00   121.68
    International RelationsContributions   1.60   1.60     1.60 0.00
    HRD and Training-OAE 0.20   0.20     0.20   0.16
    HRD and Training-GIA 35.00   39.20     39.20   39.20
    HRD and Training-


10.00   3.50     3.50   2.78
    HRD and Training-GCCA 4.80   0.60     0.60   0.60


    Energy Storage – OAE 0.10   0.10     0.10   0.00
    Energy Storage – GIA 0.50   0.00     0.00   0.00
    Energy Storage – GCCA 1.40   0.00     0.00   0.00
    New & Innovative ProjectsGIA 35.00   9.00     9.00   0.00
    New and Innovative Projects-


9.00   3.00     3.00   0.00
      440.00 1.60 272.85 1.60 0.00 272.85 1.60 225.24
    05 Autonomous Bodies                
     National Institute of Wind


9.00   9.00     9.00   9.00
    National Institute of Wind


16.00   16.00     16.00   16.00
    National Institute of Bio


5.00   1.00     1.00   0.00
    National Institute of Bio


2.00   1.00     1.00   0.00
    National Institute of Bio Energy -GIA-Salary 1.00   1.00     1.00   0.00
    National Institute of Solar

Energy -GIA

6.00   1.00     1.00   1.00
    National Institute of Solar

Energy -GCCA

10.50   2.50     2.50   2.50
    National Institute of Solar Energy -GIA-salaries 3.50   3.50     3.50   3.50
      53.00 0.00 35.00 0.00 0.00 35.00 0.00 32.00
      493.00 1.60 307.85 1.60 0.00 307.85 1.60 257.24
5   789 Special component Plan for Scheduled Castes                 
    Solar Power – GIA 3.00   3.00     3.00   1.04
    Solar Power – GCCA 134.00   110.00     110.00   109.72
    Remote Village


13.00   13.00     13.00   4.31
    Biogas Programme -GIA 3.00   4.50   0.28 4.78   2.42
    Biogas Programme-GCCA 7.00   10.50   0.27 10.77   5.01
    Other including cook stoves-


3.00   3.00     3.00   0.00
    Research Development &

International CorporationGIA

5.00   0.00     0.00   0.00
      168.00 0.00 144.00 0.00 0.55 144.55 0.00 122.50
    796 Tribal Area Sub Plan

(Minor Head) Off-Grid /

Distributed and

Decentralized Renewable power(Sub Head

    Solar power-GIA 1.00   1.00     1.00   0.07
    Solar Power-GCCA 69.00   54.00     54.00   52.64
    Remote Village

Electrification (RVE)-GIA

1.00   1.00     1.00   1.00
    Remote village Electrification-


9.00   9.00     9.00   8.64
    Biogas Programme-GCCA 5.00   5.00   2.25 7.25   7.16
    Other Including cookstoves-


2.00   2.00     2.00   0.00
      87.00 0.00 72.00 0.00 2.25 74.25 0.00 69.51
      255.00 0.00 216.00 0.00 2.80 218.80 0.00 192.01
6 190- Investment in Public Sector and Other Undertakings Solar Energy Corporation of India – Investments 100.00   100.00     100.00   100.00
      0.00   0.00 15.00   0.00 15.00 10.61
      100.00 0.00 100.00 15.00 0.00 100.00 15.00 110.61
    GRAND TOTAL (PLAN) 5000.00 1.60 4307.00 16.60 0.00 4307.00 16.60 3881.93
    Deduct Recovery               0.00
    Net Plan 5000.00 1.60 4307.00 16.60 0.00 4307.00 16.60 3881.93
7 Secretariat


  Eco Services (NON-PLAN) 0.00 34.19 0.00 36.53   0.00 36.53 34.43
    Grand Total  5000.00 35.79 4307.00 53.13 0.00 4307.00 53.13 3916.36


    Year 2017-18      


Detail of

Minor Head

Head of Account BE RE Reappropria


RE+NER Total  2017-18
1 101-Grid

Interactive and


Renewable Power

01-Grid Interactive Renewable


    Wind Power 400.00 750.00 0.00 750.00 750.00
    Hydro Power-OAE 0.50 0.22   0.22 0.22
    Hydro power-GIA 5.00 2.00   2.00 2.04
    Hydro power-subsidy 75.00 62.78 28.99 91.77 102.78
    Bio Power 33.00 21.50   21.50 13.29
    Solar Power 98.00 6.00   6.00 5.31
    Solar Power-GCCA 2161.00 950.10 20.02 970.12 970.02
    Green Energy-GCCA 500.00 500.00   500.00 499.98
    Externally Aided Projects-OAE 1.15 0.10   0.10 0.10
    professional Services 0.50 0.10   0.10 0.10
    Externally Aided Projects-GIA 37.30 0.20   0.20 0.20
    Other Charges 0.05 0.10   0.10 0.05
    interest payments bonds 280.00 128.00   128.00 126.45
      3591.50 2421.10 49.01 2470.11 2470.54
    02-Off-Grid/Distributed and

Decentralized Renewable Power  

    Wind Power-GIA 0.25 0.15   0.15 0.14
    Wind Power-Subsidy 5.50 4.25   4.25 4.25
    Wind Power-GCCA 0.25 0.00   0.00 0.00
    Hydro Power-GIA 11.90 6.00   6.00 6.39
    Hydro power-GCCA 1.10 0.00   0.00 0.00
    Bio Power-GIA 0.50 0.50   0.50 0.27
    Bio Power-GCCA 42.50 19.50   19.50 12.95
    Solar Power-OAE 1.00 1.00   1.00 0.63
    professional Services 1.00 1.00   1.00 0.95
    Solar power-GIA 8.00 2.00   2.00 1.99
    Solar power-Subs 15.00 12.00   12.00 11.77
    Solar Power-GCCA 407.00 614.00 84.79 698.79 710.22
    Biogas Programme-GIA 11.00 11.00   11.00 8.46
    Biogas Programme-GCCA 35.00 38.50 3.41 41.91 46.66
    OREA-GIA 0.20 0.20   0.20 0.00
    OREA-OAE 13.50 4.30   4.30 3.78
    GIA-SUBSIDY 0.50 0.50   0.50 0.00
    Externally Aided Projects-OAE 0.85 0.85   0.85 0.85
    Professional Services 2.00 2.00   2.00 1.97
    GIA 3.00 3.00   3.00 3.00
    Other Charges 0.15 0.15   0.15 0.15
      560.20 720.90 88.20 809.10 814.43
  Total-Grid Interactive and Distributed Renewable Power 4151.70 3142.00 137.21 3279.21 3284.97
2   North Eastern Areas (Major Head)          
    Hydro Power – Subsidy 29.00 40.00 -28.99 11.01 0.00
    Solar Power-GCCA 360.00 134.00 -20.02 113.98 0.00
      389.00 174.00 -49.01 124.99 0.00
    Solar Power – GCCA 100.00 190.00 -84.79 105.21 0.00
    Wind Power -GIA 0.60 0.10   0.10 0.00
    Wind Power-GCCA 1.40 0.40   0.40 0.00
    Biogas Programme-GIA 4.00 2.00   2.00 0.00


    Biogas Programme -GCCA 30.00 27.50 -3.41 24.09 0.00
      136.00 220.00 -88.20 131.80 0.00
      525.00 394.00 -137.21 256.79 0.00
    05 Autonomous Bodies          
     National Institute of Wind


9.00 7.00   7.00 7.00
    National Institute of Wind


16.00 16.00   16.00 16.00
    National Institute of Bio


5.00 0.50   0.50 0.50
    National Institute of Bio


2.00 0.50   0.50 0.50
    National Institute of Bio Energy -GIA-Salary 1.00 1.00   1.00 0.00
    National Institute of Solar

Energy -GIA

6.00 6.00   6.00 6.00
    National Institute of Solar

Energy -GCCA

10.50 10.50   10.50 5.82
    National Institute of Solar Energy -GIA-salaries 3.50 3.50   3.50 2.82
    R&D ACTIVITIES-OAE 0.55 0.55   0.55 0.05
    R&D ACTIVITIES-GIA 78.90 35.45   35.45 29.79
    GCCA 64.55 45.00   45.00 43.08
      197.00 126.00 0.00 126.00 111.56


0.10 0.00   0.00 0.00
    Professional services 13.00 0.00   0.00 0.00
    GIA 1.90 0.00   0.00 0.00
    e-governance supply &materials 0.09 0.09   0.09 0.06
    GIA 0.01 0.01   0.01 0.00
    Information education advertising & publicity 13.00 13.00   13.00 13.00
    GIA 7.00 2.00   2.00 0.67
    International Relations-


2.00 0.50   0.50 0.12
    Int.Relations-GIA 73.00 19.50   19.50 15.37
    Contributions 1.60 1.60   1.60 1.13
    HRD&Training-OAE 0.20 0.20   0.20 0.19
    GIA 55.00 55.00   55.00 40.12
    Scholarship 10.00 10.00   10.00 3.12
    GCCA 4.80 4.80   4.80 0.00
    New & Innovative ProjectsGIA 12.00 3.00   3.00 0.00
      2.90 1.90   1.90 0.00
      196.60 111.60 0.00 111.60 73.78
      393.60 237.60 0.00 237.60 185.34
5   789 Special component Plan for Scheduled Castes           
    Solar Power – GIA 3.00 1.00   1.00 0.03
    Solar Power – GCCA 135.00 135.00   135.00 134.92
    Biogas Programme -GIA 10.00 3.00   3.00 1.54
    Biogas Programme-GCCA 36.00 4.00   4.00 3.05
      184.00 143.00 0.00 143.00 139.54
    796 Tribal Area Sub Plan

(Minor Head) OffGrid/Distributed and Decentralized Renewable power(Sub Head

    Solar power-GIA 2.00 1.00   1.00 0.09
    Solar Power-GCCA 28.00 28.00   28.00 28.00
    Biogas Programme-GCCA 8.00 8.00   8.00 7.99
    GRID Interactive Renewable power(hydro power)-subsidy 12.00 9.00   9.00 8.98
    Solar power-GIA 2.00 1.00   1.00 0.00
    Solar power-GCCA 40.00 26.00   26.00 26.00
      92.00 73.00 0.00 73.00 71.06
      276.00 216.00 0.00 216.00 210.60
6 190- Investment in Public Sector and Other Undertakings Solar Energy Corporation of India – Investments 50.00 50.00   50.00 50.00
    Office Building 40.00 1.00   1.00 1.00
      90.00 51.00 0.00 51.00 51.00
    GRAND TOTAL (PLAN) 5436.30 4040.60 0.00 4040.60 3731.91
    Deduct Recovery          
    Net Plan 5436.30 4040.60 0.00 4040.60 3731.91
7 Secretariat


  Eco Services (NON-PLAN) 36.54 39.40 0.00 39.40 36.82
    GRAND TOTAL 5472.84 4080.00 0.00 4080.00 3768.73


      Year 2018-1 9      


Detail of Minor Head Head of Account BE RE RE-


Total (RE

+ reappro)

Total  2018-19
1 101-Grid

Interactive and


Renewable Power

01-Grid Interactive Renewable Power          
    Wind Power-subsidy 750.00 950.00   950.00 950.00
    Hydro Power-OAE 0.50 0.30   0.30 0.29
    Hydro power-GIA 4.50 2.50   2.50 0.03
    Hydro power-subsidy 52.00 62.90 14.53 77.43 76.43
    Bio Power 25.00 8.50   8.50 6.83
    Solar Power 25.24 7.24   7.24 7.24
    Solar Power-GCCA 1784.00 1834.00   1834.00 1834.51
    Green Energy-GCCA 600.00 500.00   500.00 500.00
    Energy Storage-OAE 0.01 0.00   0.00  
    Externally Aided Projects-


0.75 0.75   0.75 0.00
    professional Services 0.40 0.40   0.40 0.00
    Externally Aided Projects-


6.00 6.00   6.00 0.00
    Other Charges 0.10 0.10   0.10 0.00
    interest payments bonds-GIA 128.00 124.45   124.45 124.38
      3376.50 3497.14 14.53 3511.67 3499.71
    02-Off-Grid/Distributed and

Decentralized Renewable Power  

    Wind Power-GIA 0.21 0.25   0.25 0.25
    Wind Power-Subsidy 5.00 2.23   2.23 1.34
    Wind Power-GCCA 0.22 0.00   0.00 0.00
    Hydro Power-GIA 1.00 0.30   0.30 0.30
    Hydro Power-subsidy 10.00 2.00   2.00 0.62
    Hydro power-GCCA 0.50 0.50   0.50 0.00
    Bio Power-GIA 1.00 1.00   1.00 0.10
    Bio Power-GCCA 22.00 38.50   38.50 3.24
    Solar Power-OAE 1.00 1.00   1.00 0.00
    professional Services 1.00 1.00   1.00 0.37
    Solar power-GIA 4.00 4.00   4.00 2.53
    Solar power-Subs 8.00 8.00   8.00 7.06
    Solar Power-GCCA 370.00 370.00 67.93 437.93 433.47
    Biogas Programme-GIA 11.00 6.00 1.65 7.65 6.07
    Biogas Programme-GCCA 38.00 30.00 1.12 31.12 25.93
    OREA-GIA 0.20 0.20   0.20 0.00
    OREA-OAE 10.50 2.50   2.50 0.11
    GIA-SUBSIDY 0.30 0.00   0.00 0.00
    Energy Storage-GCCA 0.01 0.00   0.00 0.00
    Energy Storage-OAE 0.01 0.00   0.00 0.00
      483.95 467.48 70.70 538.18 481.39


  Total-Grid Interactive and Distributed Renewable Power 3860.45 3964.62 85.23 4049.85 3981.10
2   North Eastern Areas (Major Head)          
    Hydro Power – Subsidy 90.00 90.00 -14.53 75.47 0.00
    Solar Power-GCCA 172.50 252.50   252.50 0.00
      262.50 342.50   327.97 0.00
    Solar Power – GCCA 220.00 140.00 -67.93 72.07 0.00
    Wind Power -GIA 0.60 0.60   0.60 0.00
    Wind Power-GCCA 1.40 1.40   1.40 0.00
    Wind Power-GIA 0.01 0.01   0.01  
    Biogas Programme-GIA 5.00 5.00 -1.65 3.35 0.00
    Biogas Programme -GCCA 15.00 15.00 -1.12 13.88 0.00
    OIK-GIA 0.01 0.01   0.01  
    OREA-GIA 0.01 0.01   0.01  
      242.03 162.03 -85.23 91.33 0.00
      504.53 504.53 -85.23 419.30 0.00
    05 Autonomous Bodies          
    Energy Storage-OAE 0.01 0.00   0.00 0.00
    New & Innovative Projects-GIA 0.01 0.00   0.00 0.00
     National Institute of Wind


5.00 0.00   0.00 0.00
    National Institute of Wind Energy-


15.00 0.00   0.00 0.00
    National Institute of Bio Energy-


1.00 1.00   1.00 0.00
    National Institute of Bio Energy-


1.00 1.00   1.00 0.00
    National Institute of Bio Energy GIA-Salary 1.00 1.00   1.00 1.00
    National Institute of Solar

Energy -GIA

5.00 5.00   5.00 5.00
    National Institute of Solar Energy


9.50 9.50   9.50 9.50
    National Institute of Solar Energy -GIA-salaries 3.50 3.50   3.50 3.50
    R&D ACTIVITIES-OAE 0.55 0.25   0.25 0.01
    R&D ACTIVITIES-GIA 48.90 29.45 -0.85 28.60 12.93
    GCCA 44.55 13.30   13.30 12.50
      135.02 64.00 -0.85 63.15 44.44


0.10 0.03   0.03 0.00
    Professional services 0.10 0.10   0.10 0.07
    GIA 0.10 0.02   0.02 0.00
    e-governance supply &materials 0.09 0.25   0.25 0.11
    GIA 0.01 0.00   0.00 0.00
    Information education advertising & publicity 13.00 9.00   9.00 3.78
    GIA 2.00 1.00   1.00 0.08
    Int.Relations-GIA 55.00 25.00   25.00 22.87
    Contributions 1.60 1.60   1.60 1.20
    HRD&Training-OAE 0.20 0.20   0.20 0.08
    GIA 49.00 56.80   56.80 56.14
    Scholarship 6.00 1.50   1.50 1.16
    GCCA 4.80 1.50   1.50 0.00
    New & Innovative Projects-GIA 0.10 0.01   0.01 0.00
      0.10 0.01   0.01 0.00
      132.20 97.02   97.02 85.49
      267.22 161.02 -0.85 160.17 129.93
5   789 Special component Plan for

Scheduled Castes 

    Solar Power – GIA 2.00 2.00   2.00 0.14
    Solar Power – GCCA 175.00 203.00   203.00 115.55
    Biogas Programme -GIA 17.00 5.00   5.00 1.64
    Biogas Programme-GCCA 23.00 7.00   7.00 4.67
      217.00 217.00   217.00 122.00
    796 Tribal Area Sub Plan

(Minor Head) OffGrid/Distributed and Decentralized Renewable power(Sub Head

    Solar power-GIA 2.00 2.00   2.00 1.75
    Solar Power-GCCA 65.50 81.50   81.50 60.02
    Biogas Programme-GCCA 26.00 10.00   10.00 4.40
    GRID Interactive Renewable power(hydro power)-subsidy 60.00 60.00   60.00 60.00
    Solar power-GIA 1.50 1.50   1.50 0.00
    Solar power-GCCA 62.00 62.00   62.00 62.01
      217.00 217.00 0.00 217.00 188.18
      434.00 434.00 0.00 434.00 310.18
6 190-

Investment in Public Sector and



Solar Energy Corporation of India – Investments         0.00
    Office Building 40.40 40.40   40.40 17.39
      40.40 40.40 0.00 40.40 17.39
    GRAND TOTAL (PLAN) 5106.6 5104.6 -0.9 5103.7 4438.6
    Deduct Recovery          
    Net Plan 5106.6 5104.6 -0.9 5103.7 4438.6
7 Secretariat


  Eco Services (NON-PLAN) 40.03 42.06 0.85 42.91 37.60
    GRAND TOTAL 5146.63 5146.63 0.00 5146.63 4476.20




Renewable Energy Projects’

Details of studies conducted with foreign assistance by National Institute of Wind Energy(NIWE)

  1. NIWE has conducted offshore wind resource assessment at Gulf of Khambhat off Gujarat Coast as knowledge partner of the FOWIND Consortium led by Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) funded by European Union.  The LiDAR equipment was supplied by C-STEP (consortium partner) and the monopile structure was funded by Govt. of India. The project was commissioned during November 2017 and one year measurements have been completed and second year measurements are underway.  This will facilitate the offshore wind energy development in the country.
  2. Collaboration project under Indo German Energy Programme- Green Energy Corridors project was under taken by NIWE for developing indigenous solar power forecasting models since April, 2017.  This project was undertaken with technical assistance from GIZ, Germany with technical partners consisting of Overspeed GmbH, University of Oldenburg, Suntrace GmbH and M/s SGS weather and environmental systems, New Delhi.  Under this project, an indigenous solar power forecasting model for India is developed and the models are in the process of validation.  NIWE has set up Centre of Excellence for Variable Generation Forecasting and theses models are under validation and expected to set up operational solar power forecasting system soon.